App © Dasanko

Name Version Description
AutoScrollLock1.0.0.0Toggles the Scroll Lock key's status.
CID Info Provider1.1.0.0Retrieves information from the Web Store for a given CID, as well as miscellaneous information concerning the PKG (if the link was provided)
DB Handler2.3.1.0Manages a Sony contents database in SQLite3 format
exdata EDAT-PKG Generator0.07Creates standalone GOMA EDATs or exdata-installable PKGs for C00-type PS3 games
Final Fantasy X HD Save Editor1.2.0.2Save editor for Final Fantasy X HD on PC, PS3 and PSV.
FixRecycleBinIcons1.0.0.0Fixes custom recycle bin icons not automatically updating/refreshing when emptying or filling the recycle bin.
Game Updates0.14Checks for PS3 game updates
KLic Validator1.0.0.2 Given a PKG link, validates the provided klics file against a license file contained within.
Make npdata GUI0.5.1.0GUI front-end for make_npdata
Mini tools0.23Collection of random, small console utilities made on demand.
MSELF Tool0.1.5520.37203Lists entries contained in, extracts files contained in, and updates the contents of, MSELF files recursively.
Persona Q Save Editor1.3.1.0Save editor for Persona Q on 3DS.
Persona Q2 Save Editor1.2.1.0Save editor for Persona Q2 on 3DS.
PKG Check0.05Verifies the integrity of a PS3/PSP/PSV PKG file
PKG Extractor2.3.1.0Extracts all or specific contents of PS3 retail and debug PKG files, as well as PSP and PSV retail PKG files
PKG Ripper1.0.1.6Extracts specific full or partial files from online or local PS3/PSP retail packages.
RAP Creator0.10Creates RAP files with the provided CID and RAP values
RAP Validator1.3.0.1Attempts to validate a provided PS3 PKG link/npdrm/pkg file and RAP pair.
Serenity2.0.2.0Sleek and small audio player, supporting true random and pseudo-random modes. Tribute to serenitydiary.
SetFocus1.0.0.0Waits up to 1 minute for the provided process name to start in order to give it the focus. If found, an additional 5 seconds will be waited while the process starts up its GUI.
SetRes1.0.0.0Sets the specified resolution, or automatically sets the highest one available if none is provided.
Syscon Flasher1.1.0.0GUI front-end for Bus Pirate to read from and write to the PS3's Syscon's EEPROM.
TMDB Viewer1.1.0.0Displays the corresponding TMDB information and icon (if available) by providing a PS3 TitleID.

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